Management Level and Roles

Organizations Management Level

The organizations are used different strategies to maintain their credibility in the market,

Three management levels are found similar in most organizations.

Management level depends on organization size.

Three Levels
Management Level

Management Level

  • Top Level Management
  • Middle-Level Management
  • Low-Level Management

Management levels are also called Top Manager, Middle Manager, and First Level Manager.

Managers perform different tasks due to management level.

Let's discuss the different management levels and their responsibilities in the organizations.

Top Level Management

Top management consists of the chief executive, managing director, president, and vice president.

Top-level management manages goals and policies for an organization. They concentrate more time on planning and coordinating functions.

Top-Level Management Roles

To determine the objectives and plan long-term as well as short-term objectives.

Top-level management also prepares the plan to achieve the set objectives.

They determine policies and strategic plans for the organization. Top-level management sets the goals to achieve the aim through middle-level management.

Top-level management arranges the resources such as finance, and fixed assets. Finance needs to continue day-to-day activities.

They look after all the outside activities of the organization.

They are accountable to the shareholder for the organization's performance.

They are coordinates with all departments and control the activities of the departments.

Middle-Level Management

Organizations have different departments. They have heads of departments which is called middle-level management. They are accountable to top-level management. 
They control and lead to low-level management. Middle-level management plays a role as a bridge between both top-level and low-level.

Middle-Level Management Role

Middle-level management handles the implementation of organizational policies. 
They are responsible for the employment and training of lower-level management. They organize the department activities.
They create a motivational environment for junior managers to improve their efficiency. They execute the organization's policies and plans.

Low-Level Management

Low-level management works under the department head which is called supervisors, and foremen. They focus on controlling and directing.

Low-Level Management Role

They assign tasks to employees. They ensure the quality of work and be responsible for the production quantity.
They direct workers in their daily jobs. They play the role of communicator between low level and top level. They solve the problems of workers. 
They guide the workers and be responsible for providing training to the workers. They ensure discipline and motivate the workers.


Organizations consist of three management levels and it depends on the organization's size.

They maintain a hierarchy level

They are accountable to their superiors in the organization

They help to overcome the workload

They maintain production quantity and also maintain product quality