People converge Blogs and Article

Most people converge on blogs and articles, but there is a difference between both types of writing.
Blog Writing
Writing Blog

Difference between a Blog and an Article

Writing Style

Blogs can be written in a casual tone. It is frequently short and does not incorporate complicated words. Blogs use an informal writing style.
A blog can write, and you can update it as per need, and grammar is not important.
Articles follow the literature in a journalistic style while blogs include commonly used language and terminology.
Articles need accurate spelling and grammar which is understandable for the reader. Article writers use a formal writing style. 


The length of the blog and article is different because the blog is shorter than the article. The blog can be 300 to 1000 words and the article length can be 1500 to 5000 words. It is the most common opinion about blog and article length.

Using Personal Views

Articles are based more on information, reporting, and statistics, however, blogs depict things from a personal view more than reliance on reportage and data
Example: An article about government policies, it is based on reportage, and information, and compares with previous government policies. However, a blog on government policies can be based on the views of the author and his personal opinions about government policies.

Editing Process

Articles are written for large publications, therefore it is going through the editing process and identified errors. It is edited by professional editors rather than the writer is edit himself.
Blogs are normally self-published and it is going through the minimum editing process. Bloggers write, edit, and publish their blogs without involving professional editors.

Updating New Information

Blogging provides an opportunity to update your blog after publishing. You get some new information which relevant to your blog then you can add it to your blog because you can easily update your blog.
For articles, you are unable to update them. If you get new information relevant to your article, then you will write a new article rather than update the published one.

Publication Methods

Blog posts are published on a blog. There are a lot of sites available for blogging. Articles are published in print media, magazines, newspapers, and journals. Articles can be posted online on a professional website instead of a casual blog. 

Table for simple understanding

Mostly used blogger opinion
Your personal opinion not allowed
No need for interviews or research
Has interviews and research from experts and firms
Blog length short
Longer than 300 words
SEO keywords used
Keywords not essential
Spelling and grammar optional
Spelling and grammar are essential
Writing style informal or friendly
Writhing Style advanced and formal
No editing self-published
Editor cleans it, published by print magazine


It is difficult to differentiate between a blog post and an article because the blogger uses the format of the article. Bloggers are written lengthier blogs and do more research for blogs. Blogger uses a formal writing style rather than an informal and friendly writing style. Therefore, it’s difficult to differentiate between both. As a freelance writer, it’s important to ask your client whether he wants to blog post or an article.