Parenting Styles

Your parenting style can affect everything, your children's development, behavior, nurturing, and career. Children have been nurtured in different environments, but there are similarities in their personalities because children have been nurtured in the same parenting style.
These parenting styles have four broad categories that are accepted around the world.

Different Styles
Parenting Style

Four Parenting Styles

Ø Authoritarian Style

Authoritarian parents follow rules like an Army Officer who follows the rules and regulations strictly. Therefore, they expect their children that they should follow the rules and regulations.
·         Parents are established by strict rules
·         Expecting children to follow the rules
·         Parents are more in demand but not very responsive to their children
·         Expecting exceptional behavior from their children
·         They do not expect errors in their children
·         Mistakes are punished but children do not exactly know that what they did mistake
·         Parents behave as domineering and dictatorial
·         Parents spoil their children due to this approach

Ø Authoritative Style

This style is beneficial to children because these parents are disciplined therefore their children tend to be self-disciplined
·         This style is much more democratic
·         Authoritative parents nurture their children
·         Parents monitor children
·         Open discussion between parents and children
·         Parents establish rules for their children and the reasons behind rules are explained
·         Parents are responsive and understand children’s feeling
·         Parents a lot of expectations from their children and also provide feedback, and adequate support
·         Children do not meet the expectation then parents play a more supportive role and give support rather than punishing

Ø Permissive Style

These are not traditional parents. These parents have fewer demands to make for their children. They have no rules for their children.
·         These parents are more responsive
·         These parents do not require mature behavior from their children
·         They do not strict discipline style
·         Their children figure out problems themselves
·         These parents are the typically minimal expectation
·         These parents do open communication with children
·         These parents do not direct their children
·         These parents talk with children like a friend

Ø Uninvolved Style

Parents tend to be a few rules and parents do not give directions to children.
·        These parents execute the children’s basic needs
·         Parents do not more communicate with children
·         Parents do not have an expectation of children
·         Parents do not attach to children's life
·         Parents do not support and guide to children
·         They have to lack knowledge about children's development
·         These children may not be a good performance at school


We know that all parents beloved their children. Parents adopt different styles of nurturing their children. The above four different parenting styles have been discussed, as per the researcher’s statement that authoritative parenting is considered the best style. There is found inconsistency in all styles. Some studies found that adopt different styles as per culture.
Parenting styles are an effect on children's life. Sometimes parenting styles are effect positively or negatively.
