How to boost your organization's efficiency and effectiveness?

The four functions role essential in every organizational success, if the organization focuses on these four functions.
These functions can boost your organization's productivity and managers play an important role in the success of an organization. 
Managers use their best managerial skills and engage their workers for the success of an organization. 

Four Functions
Management Functions

 Four Functions of Management

Organizations need to carry out these four functions of management in sequence. 
Planning is the first step of the organization, planning is to show the organization’s future direction.
Second step is organizing, and they organize the resources and assigned the responsibilities to teams.
Third-step leading, they encourage the employees and communicate with teams or groups. 
The fourth step is controlling, and they check employees’ performance and quality of projects.
i. Planning
ii. Organizing
iii. Leading
iv. Controlling

1.     Planning
Planning is a future road map, and Managers set the goals of the organization.
Managers check the internal and external impact on the organizational success.
Managers plan for weaknesses and strengths of the organization, and they try to achieve goals.

Three methods to planning

Strategic planning

Top management set the strategic planning, and they set up goals for the organization.
SWOT analysis is part of the strategic planning and these four strategies are necessary for an organization.
S: Strengths 
W: Weakness                            

O: Opportunities 
T: Threat

Tactical Planning

It is the shorter-term planning of an aim that will take 12 months or fewer to achieve. 
Middle management responsible for tactical planning, and these planning make for specific areas or departments of the organization.

Operational Planning

It is to achieve strategic planning, and Low-level management involves in the operational planning. 

2.     Organizing

It is the second step of the management functions and managers assign responsibilities. 
Organization has a splendid plan to achieve their aim, but they do not organize it.
It is coordination of the human, financial, and other resources needed to achieve goals.
Managers assign responsibilities to individuals, teams, and groups, and they should make sure that employees understand their duties. 
Managers set working an environment for the best human performance, and best use of four functions.
Because of organizing, they show coordination between departments, teams and groups.

      3. Leading

Leading is the third step of the functions, and administrators encourage employees to high performance. 
Managers encourage teams for hard-working, they establish coordination with workers to achieve maximum results for the organization. 
They involve getting organization goal, so workers inspire from their leadership.
Managers can role model for workers, and they promote the vision of the organization through their action.

 Different Leadership Styles


Managers lead to a new employee, and it is an effective leader for them.


Managers encourage employees to work together, and they build trust among team members and groups.
This leadership style is better for individuals and employees need to support to develop their skills.


Supportive leadership is effective for employees, and the manager focuses on relationships with team members. 
They have developed skills, but sometimes skills are incompatible with the performance.


These leaders provide a minimum of guidance to employees and worry about the vision of the project.
These leadership guide employees a bit, and they encourage employees for working itself.

           4. Controlling

Controlling is the fourth step of management four functions, it is an important part of management functions.
When the above functions are working, as per set guidelines toward the success of an organization. 
Managers should monitor employee performance and quality of work, and they test employee performance. 
Managers conduct performance appraisals and give employee feedback as per performance.
They provide positive remarks on employee performance and give suggestions for improvement.


Every organization has four management functions that connect to each other.
These four functions must form organization success, but there is a need to balance each of the functions

It is necessary to focus on each function, then these four functions are useful for the organization.