Popular Writing Tools

People want to write, but they feel hesitant to write something because of, grammar mistakes. Writing tools resolves grammar mistakes problem. If you become a writer, use the writing tools that help you a lot in writing. Nowadays, every writer uses tools for writing, so writing is not a big issue in the presence of writing tools.

Google Docs

Google docs are free online application that helps you to write a draft of your blog, article, and story. You can share your documents easily with your friends and also store your documents in Google Drive. Now you don’t need to keep your data on USB because you can easily access your documents from anywhere.  

Microsoft Word

Microsoft word is the most popular Microsoft application that you can write your draft and edit. It is very user-friendly and makes easier your work. If you need a table, color, bold fonts, or underlining, even you can make your draft reader-friendly. There are many options available to format your documents. 


I use Grammarly because it helps a lot in writing, and I am satisfied with it.

 So I will suggest to everyone to use it. You will enjoy writing because it helps you with grammar mistakes and suggest a word to you. Grammarly is available in both versions free and paid, you get help from the free version. How to install Grammarly? You just write in the google Grammarly extension for chrome then click on it and install it. 

Grammarly also helps you write on mobile, so it helps on both laptop and mobile.  


The Hemingway is a free writing tool that makes your writing clear and free of grammar mistakes. It has some features such as readability, word counter, and writing grade. It helps you to write in the right direction. If you use adverbs in the sentence it shows you where you use adverbs. It helps you to minimize the use of passive voice in sentences, if you use a complex word in the sentence it provides you alternative and easy words. Sometimes your paragraph is hard to read then it highlights the paragraph and also highlights a tough paragraph. All the process makes your writing reader-friendly.


The ProWritingAid is a tool for writing that edit your draft and check spelling, and grammar mistakes in your draft. So it makes your draft reader-friendly and also you can learn many things about English writing. This tool guides you step by step and it makes your paper free of mistakes.

It has a menu bar that shows different options such as Summary, Style, Grammar, Thesaurus, Overused, and readability. There is an option available that shows you the length of sentences and the overuse of words. If you overuse passive voice sentences in your draft, so this tool shows you passive voice sentences in the draft.


Most of the writers are using the above writing tools and well-known tools, so personal experience is also good with the above tools. I am not a good writer but trying to become a writer with the help of tools. You will become a writer when you have the know-how of English Grammar and use tools.